Venue & Accommodation
Venue & Accommodation
Venue | Owen G. Glenn Building
This years Workshop will be held at the Owen G. Glenn Building at the University of Auckland. The Owen G Glenn Building is the home of The University of Auckland’s Business School and is one of Auckland’s most architecturally striking buildings. With state-of-the-art teaching facilities and sweeping views of the Auckland Domain and Rangitoto Island, the Business School offers a unique location for conferences and learning.
Venue | Parking
The Owen G Glenn Building (OGGB) has five levels of car parking (over 1,000 spaces) and is the main car park on The University of Auckland City Campus. Access to the car park is via Grafton Road, opposite Stanley Street. Click here for further details.
Delegates may purchase reduced fee, single use, exit tickets from the registration desk for $12 per day. Credit card payment preferred.
Venue | Accessibility
The Owen G Glenn building (12 Grafton Rd) is mobility and wheelchair accessible and has accessible and unisex toilets. Mobility parking spaces (spaces that are larger and nearer to access ways) are available within the building car park (16 Grafton Rd). A CCS mobility car parking permit is required to park in these spaces.